What is Working and What is Not

Uncategorized Dec 21, 2021

There are times when life feels overwhelming and frustrating. Everything feels hard work and things take longer than they need to, resulting in stress, tiredness and low energy. 

Taking a step back to reflect and identify what is and isn’t working for you personally and professionally is a great way to get you thinking differently.

You’ll see things with fresh eyes and be able to make changes to feel more confident, positive and energised.

This can be used with teams, family members or on your own. 

What's Working?

When we have routines and habits that work, life is easier. We are more productive and energetic.

There are some things in life that just work, but what works for you might not work for someone else. It’s a very personal thing.

However, sometimes we get so used to the way things are that we don’t check whether things are working for us or not.


In your day-to-day life, both from a work and home perspective, look at what is working.

What makes things easier?

Consider things like routine, habits, relationships, environment, work, technology, support network, systems and processes.

Write a list of 10 things that work well and why. There’s a table for you to use on the next page.

If you struggle with this, think about it another way – what would be harder if you didn’t have it?

If it works, keep doing it and try to bring more of what works into everyday life.



We’ve looked at what is working, so now we’re going to look at what’s not working!

Sometimes we’re not aware when something isn’t working. We carry on with the daily grind and don’t look to make things easier by making small improvements…yet it is often the small things that make the biggest difference.



In your day-to-day life, both from a work and home perspective, look at what isn’t working.

What makes things harder? More stressful?

Consider things like routine, habits, relationships, environment, work, technology, support network, systems and processes.

Write a list of 10 things that don’t work and why. There’s a table for you to use on the next page.

What small changes could make the biggest difference?



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