Igniting Leadership Performance and Sustained Excellence


Leading high-performing, sustainable teams and being a go-to partner for stakeholders, peers and suppliers can be challenging.  


Partner with us to build high impact leaders and future c-suite executives who people want to work with and for. 



Why We Started


Working in HR for global pharmaceuticals involved collaborating with ambitious leaders and teams dedicated to enhancing global patient care.

It involved partnering with leaders wading through whirlwinds of change, pressure, and sky-high expectations; all while experiencing the same rollercoaster ride first hand.


Eager to shake things up and create a better balance, my coaching and consulting venture kicked off in 2018.


Burnout within 9 months was not part of the plan, but this experience led me to discover a more sustainable approach to success and peak performance. 


An approach now shared with executives and leaders, wanting to make a difference in their industry, whilst protecting one of their most valuable assets - their own energy. 



How Can We Help You?


Simply put, we help executives and senior leaders to DO WELL and BE WELL because we believe that making a positive impact shouldn’t come at the price of health and wellbeing. 





- Feeling burnt out and lacking energy


- Managing moderately performing teams


- Facing difficulties in making daily decisions


- Finding it challenging to gain momentum on crucial strategic goals


- Disillusioned with the industry and unsure of how to make an impact


- Balancing the demands of overseeing various stakeholders and team members




- Feeling energised about life and career


- Leading high trust, psychologically safe teams


- Making high-quality decisions with clarity


- Proactively advancing strategic business goals and priorities


- Contributing positively to the industry and creating a meaningful impact


- Confident in building and maintaining effective relationships and thriving in complex situations


Innovation, peak performance and wellbeing are crucial to organisational success.


Partner with us to provide trusted 1:1 thinking space; design and deliver personalised leadership experiences; consult on leadership issues; or choose from our ready-made experiences to complement your own initiative.



1:1 Thinking Space


Executive and leadership coaching experiences, where you move beyond your current thinking and discover new thinking.


A catalyst for change - providing ideas and energy to do things differently. Essential for senior leaders in need of confidential space to breathe, think and feel, away from day to day leadership demands.



Leadership Experience



Helping Business Leaders to Thrive in Complex Times.


Optimise the performance and wellbeing of your senior leaders and their teams through this immersive development experience, which includes evidence-based wellness strategies.



Corporate and Bespoke Events


Masterclasses and short courses to empower leaders and future to overcome specific performance and wellbeing challenges.


Partner with us to design and deliver a personalised leadership experience or choose from our ready-made experiences to complement your own initiative.



What do my clients tell me?


Absolutely brilliant! Can't wait to work with you again!"


"Very impressive facilitation. Handled superbly...was masterful!"


"Very adaptive to the needs of the group. Very good facilitator. The workshop exceeded my expectations. It was excellent!"


"Incredible instructor!"






"Michelle is an incredible instructor. Having been on multiple Wim Hof Method workshops and experiences I can truly say that Michelle is one of the best. Very knowledgeable, nurturing and encouraging, she took me outside my comfort zone with ease! My life has changed for the better having spent time learning from her."



“For a time-poor group of colleagues with diverse management styles, Michelle delivered a highly focused, straight talking, honest program that created new relationships, broke down barriers and allowed for personal growth. I’d highly recommend AE as partner of choice for both personal and leadership development.



"Michelle is an excellent "people" person. I can't imagine there is a human being on this earth who Michelle would not be able to win over.

You feel very relaxed in her company which makes it easier to open up."



"The role still has it's pressures however, I now spend less time at work (and less time working at home) partly helped by a renewed focus on my fitness - with nearly a stone lost in 6 months! My overall attitude at work is very much more positive. Without the coaching sessions I don't think I would be in this much improved position or would have achieved this outcome quite so readily.

- Following his coaching, SJ secured a promotion.


"Michelle coached me through every aspect of the day with calmness, confidence and knowledge. I felt like I was in safe hands continually throughout my experience and I cannot recommend Michelle highly enough.  She really knows her stuff and she makes sure everyone has an experience that they can take with them through life.  I'll definitely be back for another workshop soon."
