Leadership Mastermind

Helping leaders to develop the inner confidence to lead in complex times

Organisations need to save time and money,

deliver faster and secure investment for the future.

But teams - and especially their leaders - are under

more pressure than ever before.


Striving to be best in class whilst navigating a complex and challenging business environment requires confident, credible and resilient leaders. Yet leaders are being put under increasing pressure to deliver on company goals.  

They’re expected to be strategic, yet are mired in managing change and tackling day-to-day management issues.

They know they're not operating to their potential and many are losing confidence in their abilities and wondering 'what next?'. 

Many are on the brink of burnout, trying to uphold the high expectations of their career. Their health, relationships and self worth are suffering. 

The often keep a brave face on it, pushing harder and harder to keep up the same high standards, but inside they're becoming disengaged and disillusioned.


Ultimately it will lead to poor health, lower performance and productivity, and a big dip in engagement and morale. 

Imagine instead leaders who: 

✔ Deliver faster and more efficiently 

✔ Are happy, healthy and high performing

✔ Attract exceptional talent 

âś” Operate in a high trust, collaborative environment

✔ Retain a talented, high-performing team 

Introducing our Leadership Mastermind


An 8-month personal and professional development experience to create happy, healthy, engaged teams, attract and retain talent and tackle business challenges.

This mastermind empowers leaders to not only lead from a place of confidence and strategy but to motivate their teams to deliver the same powerful results.

Inside the mastermind, leaders encounter incredible shifts.

They go from:


  • Juggling conflicting priorities so that they can't work at their best; to clarity on what they need to be effective in leadership, life and career.


  • Feeling exhausted and stressed after continuous cycles of change; to feeling resilient and confident to not just navigate change, but thrive off it.


  • Struggling to balance leadership and management responsibilities; to confidently operating strategically and tactically.


  • Shying away from difficult conversations; to communicating with maximum impact.


  • Feeling disengaged at work and at home, struggling to find the right balance; to creating a life and career they love!


"For a time-poor group of colleagues with diverse management styles, Michelle delivered a highly focused, straight talking, honest program that created new relationships, broke down barriers and allowed for personal growth. I’d highly recommend AE as partner of choice for both personal and leadership development."

Are you ready for your leaders to thrive and design their leadership blueprint - aligned to their values, prioritising their health and wellbeing, accountable for their goals and supported to gain momentum and see results?

This Leadership Mastermind is for your leaders if…


You need them to be:

 ✔︎ Confident  ✔︎ Connected  ✔︎ Productive  ✔︎ Empathetic  ✔︎ Advocates for Change  ✔︎ Resilient  ✔︎ Credible  ✔︎ Self aware


Yet they feel:

✔︎ Stressed  ✔︎ Burnt out  ✔︎ Disengaged  ✔︎ Overwhelmed  ✔︎ Lost  ✔︎ Stuck  ✔︎ Behind the times  ✔︎ Corporate weary


Your leaders genuinely want to contribute and do their best, yet often don’t have the energy, knowledge, confidence and support to operate to their potential within a challenging business culture. This mastermind focuses on the whole person, with unique opportunities for healthy habit creation, reflection, growth, planning and peer collaboration.

Could this be the solution you're looking for?



 What's Inside?

This Mastermind offers a comprehensive approach to leadership development. With 1:1 coaching, health and wellbeing, group education, masterminding and digital support, it has all the key aspects needed to build leadership health, confidence, capability and credibility. 

Here's What to Expect:

Eight modules, covering all the key areas of development: 

1. Setting up for Success - Embed a success mindset so your leaders feel empowered to lead from a place of confidence

2. Leadership Pillars - Get the foundations for life and leadership in place to provide a stable base to gain momentum and see results

3. Building Trust and Creating Safety - Build trust in themselves and others and create psychologically safe teams

4. Resilience and Sustainable Systems - Build resilience and habits to deal with change and complexity in a sustainable way, includes breathwork and (optional) cold therapy.

5. Leadership Brand - Identify their unique brand and use it as a powerful way to be authentic and true to themselves at work 

6. Communicate For Maximum Impact - Use communication to connect and engage for maximum impact

7. Self Leadership and Collective Leadership - Learn how to build commitment, credibility and confidence through effective leadership

8. Stepping Up - Bringing it all together to step up and into their leadership brilliance


Additional support by way of:

- Three bespoke 1:1 executive coaching sessions to increase self awareness and create accountability. 

- Regular group education, masterminding and accountability sessions, where peers can build networks, collaborate, learn and progress together 

- Instructing the Wim Hof Method of breathwork, mindset/commitment and cold therapy and/or Oxygen Advantage breathwork - to build happy, healthy and high performing leaders

- Regular group education, masterminding and accountability sessions, where peers can build networks, collaborate, learn and progress together 

- Talent assessment tools via BeTalent - to increase self awareness and provide feedback on key development areas 

- Access to my digital Resources Hub for 24/7 access to guides, tools, templates and learning resources


Additional 1:1 sessions can be invested in, to further increase the outcomes for your leaders and the organisation.

Facilitated by Michelle Yeoman, Founder and CEO of Awakened Executives and her diverse team of coaches and guest contributors.

Various payment options and alternative delivery methods (such as face to face or residential) are available.


Our mastermind clients LOVE:

- The personal stories that bring learning to life
- The mix of learning, masterminding and 1:1 coaching
- The opportunity to think and reflect away from the day to day
- The energy and expertise the facilitators and their peers bring

Our mastermind clients FEEL:

- Joyful
- Refreshed
- Energised
- Confident

Our mastermind sponsors can SEE:

- How the leaders are benefitting personally and professionally
- The trust building within the team
- The individual and team energy

Our mastermind clients SAY:

- ‘If you’re considering joining Evolve, go for it!’
- ‘I wouldn’t change a thing about it!’


"Just wanted to say thank you – the sessions that I’ve been in so far have been so well organised, thought provoking and productive, I can really see how we can collectively and personally benefit from Evolve!"

Ready to enable your leaders and organisation to be happy,
healthy and high performing?