Let's Reframe Success

Getting to the mid-point in the year got me thinking.  


The business world traditionally focuses on mid-year reviews, looking at the WHAT and HOW of goals met and progress made. Some years you’ll feel like a bullet train, going hard and fast on your goals, and excelling in the desired leadership traits.  


Others you’ll be like a slow train, stopping frequently along the way to overcome obstacles and not quite making it to your destination.  


As an achiever, the latter can feel disastrous - your inner voice can play havoc and your stress levels end up through the roof. One ‘less than’ performance year and you convince yourself your career is over. 


Typically, this happens when we are juggling too much. Whether its multiple demands on your time and energy, difficult work or home relationships, health issues, caring for loved ones, or life events that are needing your attention - it’s inevitable performance...

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Change Starts with You - Discover Three Essential Ingredients to Create the Life You Want

In the final few months of 2021 I couldn’t shake my post-Covid brain fog. I'd had Covid in early August and was mostly recovered, yet my sense of taste and smell hadn't fully returned and I didn't feel 'with it'. 


I was still able to deliver to my clients, but found my creative side - something I rely on a lot for business ideas and to give me a zest for life - had pretty much disappeared. My motivation was low, my inner drive had gone on holiday and life felt very dull!


As someone used to having ‘get up and go’, I became increasingly frustrated. Being someone who helps others to be happy, healthy and high performing and having suffered burnout in the past, I had pretty good lifestyle habits. I exercised, ate well and looked after myself mentally and physically. 


Even with good habits, I was still languishing in bed in the morning or being unproductive in the office. I can’t quite describe how ‘meh’ I felt. It was...

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Reducing Overwhelm

Uncategorized Jan 03, 2022

Does it feel like your workload is out of control?

Overwhelm kicking in?

Overwhelm is common when you have multiple priorities. In HR, juggling people, problems and projects come with the territory. You’re all things to all people and end up multi-tasking – which can leave you feeling frazzled and ineffective.

So, what can you do to reduce overwhelm?


It is important to have a separate matrix for work and home.

See if it makes a difference to how you think, feel, and behave.

Are you less overwhelmed?

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Meaningful Mantras

Uncategorized Dec 29, 2021

Daily mantras can positively set you up for the day ahead and help reduce stress.

A mantra is a statement of positive intent.

Something as simple as a daily mantra can shift your mindset and help build concentration and focus. Mantras are words or sounds often used in meditation, but using them is more commonplace in regular daily life to help people manage their mindset.

Some people recite a daily mantra in front of the mirror. Some people recite it mentally. Some people write it down.

Whichever way you use them, they can jump start your day, giving you positive energy. They can also be used at various points in the day to reduce overwhelm, stress and anxiety.

Meaningful Mantras

Make a list of up to 10 mantras that resonate with you. Here are some ideas:

  • I am creative and capable of change
  • I am adaptable
  • With change comes opportunity
  • I will cherish lazy days
  • Progress is more important than perfection
  • I will seek out joy

Every morning for the next week, choose a mantra that feels...

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What is Working and What is Not

Uncategorized Dec 21, 2021

There are times when life feels overwhelming and frustrating. Everything feels hard work and things take longer than they need to, resulting in stress, tiredness and low energy. 

Taking a step back to reflect and identify what is and isn’t working for you personally and professionally is a great way to get you thinking differently.

You’ll see things with fresh eyes and be able to make changes to feel more confident, positive and energised.

This can be used with teams, family members or on your own. 

What's Working?

When we have routines and habits that work, life is easier. We are more productive and energetic.

There are some things in life that just work, but what works for you might not work for someone else. It’s a very personal thing.

However, sometimes we get so used to the way things are that we don’t check whether things are working for us or not.


In your day-to-day life, both from a work and home perspective, look...

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Uncategorized Dec 15, 2021

We are profoundly social creatures and social connection is incredibly important to our health and wellbeing. COVID-19 lockdowns and social distancing stripped us of this connection with family and friends, work colleagues and networks.

Brene Brown, researcher, author, storyteller and Chair at the Graduate College of Social Work, says:

‘A deep sense of love and belonging is an irresistible need of all people. We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong. When those needs are not met, we do not function as we were meant to. We break. We fall apart. We numb. We ache. We hurt others. We get sick.’


Making a new connection may feel like the last thing you want to do. You don’t have time!

However, connecting with someone new can bring fresh energy, perspective and joy.
Identify someone you can make a connection with. Someone you can forge a new relationship with. It could be an old school...

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Laughter is the Best Medicine

Uncategorized Dec 08, 2021

When stress takes over, life doesn’t feel fun and you probably can’t remember the last time you laughed. One of the best feelings is a proper belly laugh. It can bring people together and establish amazing connections. Laughter, big or small, can change how people think, feel and behave.

Laughter is good for your health. Here are 7 benefits:

1. Lowers blood pressure
2. Reduces stress hormones
3. Improves cardiac health
4. Boosts your immune system
5. Reduces pain by releasing endorphins
6. Works your abdominal muscles
7. Improves overall health and wellbeing

A study suggests that healthy children may laugh as much as 400 times per day, but adults tend to laugh only 15 times per day. This further reduces when you are stressed and under pressure.


Have you ever laughed about being in your profession?

We’ve all got a funny story to tell...

Take a moment to think about the funniest experience you’ve had in your career.

Trust me,...

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Health & Wellbeing Part 3: Sleep

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2021

This is part 3 of our series: Health & Wellbeing

Key health and wellbeing components of resilience are:

  • Movement
  • Nutrition
  • Sleep

At the end of this series, there is a health and wellbeing journal. For 5 days use it to log your movement, nutrition and sleep. Notice how you feel each day and take notes. See how you feel after 5 days – has there been an improvement in your mental and physical energy?



Good quality and quantity of sleep is essential for the mind and body to recharge, stay healthy and stave off diseases. Without enough sleep, the brain simply cannot function properly. It can affect productivity, memory, your ability to think clearly and to concentrate. It may also affect your sense of wellbeing, mood and relationships.

Most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night.  

How Are You Sleeping?

When you’re under pressure and life feels like a rollercoaster, sleep is often negatively affected. Whether it’s...

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Health & Wellbeing Part 2: Nutrition

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2021

This is part 2 of our series: Health & Wellbeing

Key health and wellbeing components of resilience are:

  • Movement 
  • Nutrition
  • Sleep

At the end of this series, there is a health and wellbeing journal. For 5 days use it to log your movement, nutrition and sleep. Notice how you feel each day and take notes. See how you feel after 5 days – has there been an improvement in your mental and physical energy?



Most of us know what foods are healthy and what is not. Why do we crave the things that are bad for us?

Stress puts a huge amount of pressure on the mind and body. When we’re under pressure it stands to reason that we go for the sugary treat and the boost of caffeine. Anything to get us through another Zoom call!

Stress hormones tend to send cravings for unhealthy foods soaring, so by knowing this we can start to manage our stress rather than let it manage us.

Eating a balanced diet will calm stress hormones, increase feel-good hormones and...

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Health & Wellbeing Part 1: Movement

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2021

This is part 1 of our series: Health & Wellbeing

Key health and wellbeing components of resilience are:

  • Movement
  • Nutrition
  • Sleep

At the end of this series, there is a health and wellbeing journal. For 5 days use it to log your movement, nutrition and sleep. Notice how you feel each day and take notes. See how you feel after 5 days – has there been an improvement in your mental and physical energy?



Movement is essential in managing stress. 

Before the pandemic, research suggested that many adults spent more than 7 hours a day sitting down, at work, on transport or in their leisure time. For some, increased working from home has encouraged more movement.

Exercise can reduce your risk of major illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Physical activity can also boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reducing your risk of stress, depression, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

How Much Do You Move?...

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